I have started on the 3rd-grade / 4th-grade lessons. There really isn’t much to “fix” with these. I want to translate all the vocabulary but I am doing it slowly because I just don’t have the time… school has become really really stressful. From working on newspaper to mountains of homework to violin practice… it’s all a bit much right now.
Anyway, I am planning on changing the vocab from bullet points to a table… it is easier to add translations later that way! Heads up I may change them over the summer – as I go along with my teaching. I have so much more free time over my summer break. It’s just busywork really, I would rather focus more on the important stuff. Aaaalso I have been using Grammarly so hopefully my posts are less... incorrect.... Update on the stories I published on wsspaper.com hehe: http://wsspaper.com/23793/ae/1440-outdoor-movie-a-good-time-for-a-good-cause/ http://wsspaper.com/23741/showcase/statistic-saturday-teens-and-internet/ http://wsspaper.com/25569/opinion/black-friday-starting-times-are-nothing-to-complain-over/ And of coarse here is the master-link to the progress on the lessons. The lessons are no longer split up by grades. They now have titles. If you want to know what they are click on that link!
hehe im funny (not)
So I just wanted to post a warning that there will be minimal updates until the latter part of the month because of, you guessed it, the PSAT. Okay that's all! I am off to study! I got a lot out of the way this month. One being homecoming! It was fun… I finally got to wear my formal romper (which probably isn’t a real thing) and I finally learned how to straighten my hair. I’ve been doing it wrong all these years – apparently you have to put your hair in ponytails and then straighten small sections. Who knew? In other news I have finally added more translations to the Scholarship Exam Material. Check it out in the link from the previous post or click here. Wow so much happened this month! My life...
EARSL workMy biggest achievement so far is…
Starting to improve the grade 5 material. Haha it was not fun… All I really had to do was add the English translations but seriously why is it SO hard to find proper translations?? I mean if 20 million people speak this language they should really consider having some good online dictionaries. Don’t get me wrong one or two exist but even they have mistakes and are far from thorough or complete. Example? The words “good luck”. They should be available in a pretty straightforward manner but I have had to look on at least 5 websites to get the job done… one dictionary was just wrong and then another one had misspellings. I used Google translate, Madura dictionary, Sinhala-online dictionary, Omniglot, and the Sinhala Lexilogos keyboard. Okay enough ranting! Enjoy this wonderfully translated page…. Be warned! It is NOT complete. Scholarship Material so far... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k7HcM-wHcvRWCOWw0pllJqdrAqIkgd6NPjcRFGqprtg/edit?usp=sharing
Lesson Links:Grade 5:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1T5Lso1TutBZmHvLxen2qv9onPD2Y4xbCIdvtPZ7FGqk Grade 6-9: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J9MCo0NP6GN29yTtESOG2BTDMobk2qICachFzGLJXBc/edit?usp=sharing Grade 10-11 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgVGk1YQQaIM54OTgA04TShw42rBPZRfIGpvmJOhpuQ/edit?usp=sharing |
AuthorHi! I'm Samalya. When I'm not running about cramming for school I sit on my laptop and (attempt to) make a curriculum to improve spoken English in rural Sri Lanka! Categories
July 2019